I'll start by saying "wish I had a fiver for every time a person walked into my shop with their friend and announced..."Oh, I can do that" or "oh YOU can make that Lillian...it's so easy"
Yep, I kid you not....."they" say it OUT LOUD in my retail shop.
Now I never ever stake claim to ANY of my creations....lets face it the truth is...nothing is ever "New". My things are made from objects on hand (trust me I have a HUGE stash of stuff that will have a use someday). I have difficulty throwing things away...and many a time I have been called out by friends when I am about to toss something in the trash and I give it the "second look over" to think "can I reuse this in some way".
BUT seriously, out loud in my shop......STOP.
one word R E S P E C T.
I work very very hard to make enough (not there yet but soon) to take take care of us. It's really hard.
So trust me ladies and I say this with L O V E
I knoooooo you can make it (cause I did) but this is my business so please take those comments outside. Talk amongst yourselves when I can't actually hear it. And please pleaseee create....copy, make...I don't care...in fact I am super happy if I inspire you. Just don't insult me for trying to do what you are not yet doing....
(Please see last post for tirade disclaimer)
Soooo I needed a coat hook for my entranceway in this old Victorian I live in.
(one day Ill post some pics cause if I ever get to finishing decorating it will be pretty cool.)
And I thought....hummmm old door knobs (check) crusty shabby switch plates (check) and secret ingredient (epoxy shhhh) ...and waah laaa
(yep thats my winter coat still hung from the huge snowstorm on Halloween week end)
cute huh....and I made some for the shop...you can see them here:
Create. Inspire. Joy
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