On June 17th I am turning 50.(ugg)
Typically I do not "mark" my milestones with anything that remotely resembles a parr tayy however I have decided to embrace this one and honor it with a personal challenge.
Since 2007 I have been raising funds to help find the cure for cancer through
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training.
Basically, Team In Training is an endurance training program that helps you to achieve the goal of completing a marathon, half marathon, triathlon, century ride or endurance hike.
The concept is simple....you agree to raise a set amount of money and in return you are trained, coached, escorted to and assisted race week end by coaches and staff of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Win, Win.
You raise necessary dollars to help scientists research new drugs like Gleevec and directly assist people and families who are desperate for financial help and counseling due to the effects of cancer.
And in return...you achieve that which many cannot. You run 13.1 or 26.2 miles and cross a finish line(and get a huge honkin medal...unless of course you run Nike in San Francisco then you get a Sterling TIFFANY medal read necklace given to you on a silver tray by some very and I mean verrrry hot SF firemen in Tuxedos). Or complete one of the other events. (again big medals)
Many people join Team In Training and become endurance athletes as a result.
Sadly I am not one. My sense of accomplishment never ever comes at the finish line. It comes in the dark, at the start line,standing among thousands waiting for the gun to go off.
It is then that I have time to reflect on the past few months and how hard I worked to assist families, and knowing I have done all I could to move us one step closer to finding a cure.
Yes, A Cure, for cancer.
And sooooo..........
Since my first race I have raised over 30,000.00.
And I have run one full marathon (yep 26.2 miles in the hills of San Francisco)
and five half marathons.
My goal is Lofty (to say the least)
I would like to end my 50th year with a medal from yet another half marathon.
BUT, more importantly....I would like to bring my total to 50,000.00 raised.
50 in 50.
So to honor this goal and to celebrate the big five o I am having a Champagne Reception at SHV for First Friday.
June 1st.
The bubbly will be flowing, and I will have lots and lots of sweet treats.
I will be giving out gifts to those who make a donation, and have raffle prizes.
It's gonna be fun.
So COME, Lets celebrate....life and health and happiness and lets fund The Cure!
And if you can't make it...but still want to donate you can do so here: